Sunday, February 26, 2023

Set Design

 My group and I decided to hop on another call and talk about the set design that we want to go for to get the feeling that we were striving to have in our scene. to achieve that feeling we need the light of the scene to be on point to achieve this we need to have certain things such as a lot of different colored LEDs as well as different colored sheets to have the light bounce off.

the lighting is very important but another super important thing is the area where the party will be set if the area is too small then the whole thing will look like it's a staged party we want to make sure the environment feels as authentic as possible. the area of the house where the party is needs to be open but tight meaning that the people are crowded but not being pushed along by furniture and walls. the area is very important to have the authentic feeling for the scene that we want.

Friday, February 24, 2023

finalization on group talk (colors)

 In the end, the finalization of the colors got decided today after a call with the group and a few exchanges of messages. we decided that the colors as stated in yesterday's post would be representative of the character's personality and how they would act in certain situations. For example, "Red is a very hot color. It’s associated with fire, violence, and warfare. It’s also associated with love and passion." so the character that would be associated with this color would be a ladies' man or if ever encountered with a tough situation their initial reaction would be violence or that they are fast to anger.

The Colors we Choose

1. Red

2. Yellow

3. Blue

4. Purple

each color was chosen due to it relation that we want them to have with the character's personality. Red was already explained in the first paragraph. "Yellow is associated with happiness and sunshine. Yellow can also be associated with deceit, cowardice, and hope." Blue is used extensively to represent calmness and responsibility. Light blues can be refreshing and friendly. Dark blues are used to represent strength and reliability. Purple is a combination of red and blue and takes on some attributes of both. It’s associated with creativity and imagination.

Chapman, C. (2010, January 28). Color theory for designers, part 1: The meaning of color. Smashing Magazine. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from,%3A%20New%20Beginnings%2C%20Abundance%2C%20Nature

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Set Backs

 This week has had a lot of setbacks for the group and for the project. Due to some events during the entire week, face-to-face meeting with the group has become way more difficult. even with all those obstacles the group has taken time out of their busy schedules to meet up or join up on a call to continue to work and talk about newer ideas. these setbacks while affecting the time in class that we had to work on this project, we didn't let that affect our schedules.

During the calls and chats, while meeting up, we began discussing some additional aspects of our video that we would like to add. we talked about how the characters will be very dynamic and not be the normal and stereotyped teens that one would think about when thinking about teens but rather how each character should have a very different personality. we talked about how we wanted to show this and decided to have the freeze frame intro shots I talked about in a past post but add a color filter to the shot to try and show the type of personality the character has through color.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Technical elements

 Technical Elements

What are the technical elements used in a movie is a question I asked myself before writing this and I could not for the life of me come up with an answer so I did what any rational human would do I searched it up. had the answer I was looking for the main elements involved in the technical aspect of filmmaking are 

  1. Film Type
  2. Shots
  3. Camera Angles
  4. Lighting
  5. Color
  6. Sound or Audio
  7. Editing
  8. Mise-en-Scene
in this post, I will be focusing on the ones that my group and I have already decided on which would be color, lighting, and sound. to start off, lighting is where most of our pull will be centered on due to the huge factor it plays in helping us tell our story. The lighting being correct for the scenes will be crucial to help the scene feel professionally made the scenes where this is most needed will be the party scene where it will be mostly flashing colored lights and beams of neon which really give the scene a real sense to it. next is color, color is really important to help with the lighting because, without the authentic color, the scene doesn't feel real and really doesn't give off the feeling we are aiming for. some inspiration for the color palette would be something like this.

lastly, the sound, can't have an authentic feeling party scene without the music and the people. the sound for the scene will be absolutely crucial due to the nature of the scene for the realism we hope to achieve we need the actual sound to match what a party would normally sound like loud head-banging music paired beautifully with the loud subtle talking of a club-like atmosphere. 

Sarfaraz, N. (2021, March 3). The 8 technical elements involved in film production. Cinemagic. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from

 Hubbard, A. (2022, March 18). The 20 best color palettes from iconic films. Let's Eat Cake. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Plot aspects

 Plot Aspects

The story of our film is going to revolve around 4 main characters who are a close-knit group of friends who throw a party and have to race against time to clean and erase their tracks to not get caught by the parents of one of the friends. The 4 friends get together at one of the friend's houses after he got left alone for the weekend so his parents could go be by themselves. They decide that a party is the best way to make use of the time. we took some inspiration for the idea from titles such as 

-Project X

- SuperBad
- 21 and over

-The Hangover Series

we took inspiration from these films for the way they set up their party scenes and how effective they were at establishing the plot for the respective movie in its own right. the movies that we looked up to in order to find our idea and to help inspire our film opening while might not be the best movies do a great job at setting the party scenes right in order to show what we wish to show which is the woozy felling that a person might fell in a packed room with flashing lights and loud music. especially project X with it being a movie about a highschool party gone wrong which is basically what we wish to go for but on a lighter and more family-friendly level when compared to Project X.

Friday, February 17, 2023

shots and target audience

 Shots And the target audience

one of the shots that we have put a lot of focus into as a group for our entire project is going to be close-up shots, the close-up shots are shot that we as a group decided would be the best fit for the feeling we are trying to achieve. our film opening is planned to start out with a scene where the characters are walking through an environment that is going to be very blurry and has a lots of flashing lights these types of scenes are where the close-up shot would come in handy to show the effect that the atmosphere is having on the character. 

Old School: Frank The Tank

these types of shots are where we want to take inspiration for the shots that we want to use. 

the way we want to introduce our characters in our film is going to be a technique where the camera stops moving and the scene goes into a freeze frame and a text pops up introducing the character. we pull inspiration for this from many movies and we liked the way it turned out in the movies we want to try and re-create. this technique has been used before and has been proven to be good for the types of film openings that we want to use.

Suicide Squad (2016)

the target audience that we want to reach for our movie would be teens and young adults due to the nature of the movie it is the group that is drawn most towards the genre and type of movie. 

Entertainment, T. (2016, September 23). 21 Crazy College movie parties, ranked from lame to legendary. Thrillist. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

Malo, D. S. (2022, August 1). What is a freeze frame - the best examples & why they work. StudioBinder. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

Thursday, February 16, 2023


Genre Info

The action-adventure genre is a genre that has been built upon for a long time. the genre is based on a character's journey, the main goal of an action-adventure movie is to take a viewer through the passage of the character's adventure which is completely brand new to them, and to sort of exaggerate this unknown scenario that the character is experiencing. Most action adventures tend to run the course of an event or series of events that happens outside the course of the protagonist's ordinary life, usually accompanied by danger, often by physical action.

On Wednesday night the group met up for a well-thought-out chat discussing the genre of our project. we decided on the Action/Adventure genre because it is the best suited for our film. Meriam Webster's dictionary defines the genre as a production featuring characters involved in exciting and usually dangerous activities and adventures. Our idea for our movie is centered around a party gone wrong.

we feel like the Action-Adventure genre is the best one for us due to the similar characteristics that our idea shares with other movies in this category of the film industry. some of the characteristics that we looked for in the genre while in the choosing process
- plot twists
- rising tensions
- a race against time 
- and a very likable main character or characters

With those elements being the main backing behind the reason we choose our genre it really seemed like the right fit for the movie opening that we plan to create.

Taylor, H. (2021, August 30). What makes a great action and adventure movie script? Industrial Scripts®. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from's,journey%20neither%20have%20seen%20before.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Action-adventure. In dictionary. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

Lamb, B. (2016, January 30). Adventure stories: VCE media, Victorian Curriculum, Media Arts, Digital Literacy, media education, filmmaking. lessonbucket. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from

N/A, N. A. (2023, February 2). Adventure fiction. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 16, 2023, from,danger%2C%20often%20by%20physical%20action. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 the planning stage of the project is now the most crucial part in my opinion without proper planning one goes into the project blind and is just lost on what to do from day one. the planning stage is where most things get decided of course there are going to be certain aspects that one cant plan out completely from day one but most things, the general gist of things, can be decided on day one.

For example, my group consisting of Aaron, Javi, and Juancho we have decided that our film is going to be a party movie of sorts with an element of the race against the clock that is seen throughout many party movies such as the hangover series, project X, The After Party. many of those big named films have certain aspects that we would like to integrate into our film opening 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Music Marketing

 The music marketing project was an eye-opener for me as it was to be part of a group for a semi-long-term project. This experience taught me how to work beyond school hours and really have people rely on me.

Our first step towards our goal was researching the target audience and our area of the music industry. We analyzed the target audience's demographics, music preferences, and social media habits. This was the most important information that was needed when it came to understanding our audience and making our marketing strategy.

Once we understood our target audience, we moved on to the brainstorming and planning phase. During this stage, we came together as a group to create ideas that we all liked and determined which strategies would be most effective. Such as the key marketing components that would be involved, such as social media campaigns, a website, and a music video.

The production phase was where we brought our ideas to life. We worked together to create a  complex yet understandable music video. This complex process involved setting filming dates and coordinating our performances to the audio to ease the post-production process.

After the music video was complete, we moved on to post-production. We edited the video, added music, and perfected the final product during this stage. We also worked on finalizing the social media campaigns and the website that would be used to promote the album release.

Finally, we presented our project to the class and received great feedback. Our classmates were overall impressed with our presentation as the feedback that they gave really focused on how well and calm and composed we all seemed while presenting and they really liked our nature focus campaign.

The Music Marketing Project was a cool learning experience that taught me about the music industry and how most marketing happens in the industry. It really helped in developing my Cambridge portfolio because it gave me the chance to collaborate with others and allow my creative skills to be used in a group setting. I learned the importance of research, planning, and execution, as well as the benefits that one can have while working with like-minded people.

Film Opening

Film Opening Project Upload Link